Mass Intentions

These special intentions are offered to God as prayers of intercession and thanksgiving. In and through the Eucharist, we pray for the deceased, for those who are ill, and for those who face various difficulties or challenges.

Requesting a Mass Intention is simple. First, fill out and submit the form below. Then, you’ll be redirected to Donate to finalize your Mass Intention.

Policies & Procedures

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  1. Only one Mass intention per Mass.

  2. Mass intentions may not be scheduled more than one year in advance.

  3. Any given person may schedule up to 24 Masses per year.

  4. A particular Mass intention may only be scheduled 12 times per year.

  5. The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas has designated $10 as the voluntary offering stipend to be given for a Mass intention.  However, no Mass intention is denied due to lack of a donation.

  6. The priests of St. Paul do not retain the Mass offering (stipend) since they receive a salary that takes into consideration the celebration of Masses.  Any donations received for Mass intentions benefit the parish.

  7. One weekend Mass and one Holy Day Mass must be celebrated for the intentions of the parish or pro populo (Canon Law c. 534).  

  8. St. Paul Parish will schedule a Mass intention for recently deceased parishioners.

  9. If there are no available Masses without intentions then the requester will be offered the opportunity to send the Mass intention and donation to either St. Benedict’s Abbey in Atchison or the Casa del Migrante in Tijuana, BC, Mexico.  

Mass Intention Form

After clicking Submit Form, you will automatically be redirected to make a donation to finalize your Mass Intention. If you aren’t automatically redirected, you may use this link.

Questions? Email

Blessed is the man who perseveres, for when he has been proved he will receive the crown of life that he promised to those who love him.

James 1:12