Ministries & Groups
Caregiving Ministries
Christian Formation
Family & Community
Liturgical Ministries
Caregiving Ministries
Prepare food and help serve a meal as needed to families and loved ones following a funeral Mass.
Leader: Kristie Altman
Join fellow parishioners who bring the Eucharist to the homes of those who are unable to attend Mass.
Leader: Mary O’Sullivan
Extraordinary Ministers who visit the hospital and offer the Eucharist to Catholic patients.
Leader: Quinta Schwarzenberger
Prepare a casserole, serve at the Food Kitchen, or make a financial donation to cover expenses.
Leader: Jim & Julie Bird
Leader: Thomas Dujenski
Christian Formation
Participate and commit yourself to this beautiful and prayerful devotion by signing-up for a holy hour.
Leader: Michelle Leoni
Meet each Thursday evening to participate in various studies and grow in the Catholic faith.
Leaders: Bill & Lori Milliard
For newlyweds to couples married up to 10 years. Meet 2nd Friday of every month to participate in various studies and grow in Catholic faith and community.
Leaders: Annalise & Joe Tinker
Baptism Preparation is offered to all parents and godparents prior to the celebration of Baptism.
Leader: Claudia Ramirez
Help children ages 3-12 to fall in love with God through hands on materials in a sacred space.
Leader: Veronica Donegan
Requirements include knowledge of American Sign Language (ASL), Deaf culture (or a willingness to learn), and love for God!
Leader: Katie Locus
The study reflects on the Scriptures for the week in preparation for Mass each Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m.
Leader: Tom Schwarzenberger
Join a team of catechists and office aides to assist teaching the Catholic faith to the children and youth of the parish.
Leader: Mayra Valadez
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults requests sponsors to share their joy of our Catholic faith with those discerning becoming Catholic.
Leader: Nicholas Gardner
Family and Community
CYO offers youth the opportunity to grow in virtue through sports, recreation and other activities.
Leader: Rob Bens
Connects with new members of the parish through welcoming events and community outreach.
Leader: Charlie & Christina Lamb
We support parish, school and other ministries while becoming better Catholics, husbands and community leaders.
Leader: Joe Peterson
Parish moms with children ages birth-12 yrs and expecting mothers meet for play dates, formation events, and social gatherings.
Leader: Anna Bergida
Pray with others for the intentions provided to the group by members of our community.
Leader: Henny Parre
St. Gianna’s Circle offers comfort and support to families at St. Paul Parish that have suffered the loss of a child during pregnancy or shortly after birth.
To request support, or to learn more the ministry, click to visit our ministry page.
Ministry Leaders: Annalise & Joe Tinker
We are an organized women's group whose achievements make a definitive difference in the life of the St. Paul parish, archdiocese and community.
President: Sharon Miller
Contact: wospolathe@gmail.com -
Volunteers assist with programs for teens in 6-12th grade by filling the various needs of the program.
Contact: youthmin@spcatholic.org
Welcome offers our adult parishioners a call to renewal and community fellowship starting with a life-changing retreat and continuing with ongoing spiritual formation.
For more information, visit www.spcatholic.org/welcome
Liturgical Ministry
Help decorate the Worship Space for Christmas, Easter and other special occasions.
A person Confirmed in the Catholic Church desiring to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass.
Leader: Janice Cartwright
Open the front doors of the Worship Space and give a warm welcome to everyone who enters.
Leaders: Jim & Janice Steinlage
Participate in the Mass by reading the Word of God to those in attendance.
Leader: John Martin
Vocalists and musicians wanted who can play piano, organ, guitar, violin, flute, trumpets, and percussion.
Leader: Joe Heron
Help fellow parishioners find a seat for Mass and help take up the collection.
Leader: Bob Hamilton
Help count offertory collections from weekend Masses. Count teams meet each Monday from 9am-11am. Each Volunteer is expected to be available at least two Mondays per month. A willingness and ability to make most assigned weeks is imperative. If two times per month seems a bit too much, substitute counters are also needed, and would be contacted on an as-needed basis. Confidentiality and a high attention to detail are essential traits for our Money Counters.
Ministry Leader: Amy Moritz
Learn more & sign up for ministries and groups
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