St. Gianna’s Circle

St. Gianna’s Circle offers comfort and support to families at St. Paul Parish that have suffered the loss of a child during pregnancy or shortly after birth.

How can we support you?

Members of St. Gianna’s Circle have suffered the untimely loss of a child. We seek to provide comfort and support to other families that are experiencing a similar pain during their time of need.

How we can help you:

  • Online resources (below)

  • Provide a safe space for you to share your experience with other trusted parishioners (if requested)

  • Prepare food and care packages for you (if requested)

Whether you need support, or would like to join the group and provide support to other families, please use the form to indicate your interest.

St. Gianna Beretta Molla

Feast Day: April 28
Patron: of mothers, physicians, and unborn children

St. Gianna Beretta Molla (1922-1962) was an Italian pediatrician known for her dedication to her family and her medical profession. She faced a difficult pregnancy with her fourth child when doctors discovered a tumor in her uterus.

Despite the risks, Gianna chose to prioritize the life of her unborn child, opting for surgery that would allow the pregnancy to continue, though it endangered her own life. She delivered a healthy daughter but passed away shortly after childbirth due to complications. Her selfless decision and profound respect for life led to her canonization in 2004, and she is now honored as the patron saint of mothers, physicians, and unborn children.

Online Resources

Parent Miscarriage and Early Childhood Loss Guidebook

This resource was written by the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas’s Pro-life Office and contains local resources and Q&A.

Red Bird Ministries

Red Bird Ministries is a Catholic, pro-life/pro-family grief support ministry that focuses on bereaved families who have experienced child loss of any age and circumstance, including pregnancy loss through miscarriage and stillbirth, and after birth as an infant, child, ​​adolescent, or adult

Catholic Miscarriage Support

Catholic Miscarriage Support offers compassionate guidance and spiritual resources for individuals and families grieving pregnancy loss

Cradled in Mary’s Arms

A Catholic support ministry committed to providing comprehensive support for mothers and families during their time of loss. The website includes resources for prayer, scripture, saints, self-care, information on church teaching, medical and burial help, and more.

Miscarriage Hurts

Miscarriage Hurts is a support website offering compassionate resources for those grieving the loss of a child through miscarriage. It provides a space for individuals to share their stories, find emotional support, and access healing tools, including interactive resources to help express and cope with grief.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; saves those who spirit is crushed.

PSALM 34:18

Catholic Burial

You can request a funeral, memorial service, and/or burial service after the death of your child. The traditions and rituals of our faith bring beauty and meaning to your child’s life and death. 

Catholic Cemeteries of NE KS

Catholic Cemeteries of NE Kansas offers special arrangements to assist parents experiencing the unexpected loss of an infant due to a miscarriage

Burying Your Baby

A Memorial Service or Memorial Mass is a meaningful way to honor your child’s life and death and can be celebrated at any time, even years after your child’s death. Contact the parish office to make arrangements.

Professional Services

Below are a list of medical professionals in our community who can help you navigate the physical and emotional challenges of this difficult time. They offer compassionate care and support to guide you through the healing process.

Catholic Counselors

A list of trusted Catholic Counselors in our archdioceses who can help you find healing and support after a miscarriage.

Saint Paul VI Institute

The Pope Paul VI Institute is dedicated to advancing reproductive health care in line with Catholic teachings, focusing on fertility, women's health, and natural family planning. It developed the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and NaProTechnology, offering ethical alternatives for diagnosing and treating reproductive issues. The institute supports couples struggling with infertility and miscarriage, emphasizing holistic care that respects life and promotes the dignity of marriage and family.

National Family Planning Medical Professionals

A list of Catholic doctors in our community who have undergone training at the Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha, NE. This training allows them special expertise in treating common women’s health problems at their root– without the use of hormonal contraceptives.

We shall find our little ones again up above.

St. Zelie Martin

Facebook Support Groups

Mommy to a Little Saint - Catholic Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support

Mommy to a Little Saint is a Facebook support group for Catholic women who have experienced the loss of a young child through miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss. This group exists to provide support, encouragement, and prayer as we move forward. Because the loss of a child impacts every aspect of our lives a variety of topics are likely to be discussed including pregnancy after loss and parenting.

Daddy to a Little Saint - Catholic Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support

Daddy to a Little Saint is a Facebook support group for Catholic men who have experienced the loss of a young child through miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss. This group exists to provide support, encouragement, and prayer as we move forward. Because the loss of a child impacts every aspect of our lives a variety of topics are likely to be discussed including pregnancy after loss and parenting.

Held in the Arms of Heaven: Recurrent Miscarraige Support

Faith based Facebook support group for those who have experienced recurrent child loss through miscarriages and/or stillbirths. This is a place to remember our babies together, connect for support in the journey, and pray together.

Patron Saints and Novenas

The Church offers many saints to turn to for intercession in times of pregnancy, miscarriage, or child loss. Here are a few to consider as part of your prayers, whether through novenas or simply seeking their friendship and guidance.

St. Zelie Martin

Saint Zelie Martin, mother of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, experienced the deep pain of losing four of her nine children. Yet, she found comfort in the hope of being reunited with them in heaven, writing, "We shall find our little ones again up above." St. Thérèse believed that many graces came through the prayers of her siblings in heaven, offering hope that those we have lost continue to watch over us with love.

St. Gianna Beretta Molla

Saint Gianna is a modern-day saint who understands the pain of loss, having suffered two miscarriages herself. As the patron saint of mothers, she offers comfort and inspiration to those grieving a miscarriage, reminding us of the hope and healing found in faith.

St. Colette

St. Colette is a comforting patron for those experiencing miscarriage, as her own birth was seen as a miracle after years of her parents praying for a child. Throughout her life, many miracles were attributed to her intercession, offering hope and solace to couples longing for children and to those grieving loss. She stands as a powerful reminder of God's care, even in times of deep sorrow.

Saints Joachim and Anne Novena

Saint Joachim and Anne, who longed for a child and endured years of heartache, are powerful intercessors for those grieving pregnancy loss. By praying to them, we seek their comfort and ask for healing and peace through their intercession.